Top 08 IELTS Essay Writing Tips


01)   Understand the question well

Understanding the question is the first and foremost thing to do. There could be two or more thesis statements to be discussed along with the prompts. In the below example, thesis statement and prompts are highlighted red and blue respectively.

Crime rates in cities tend to be accelerating in numerous ways, whereas it is few in numbers in smaller towns. Explain some possible reasons for this scenario and suggest some solutions.

Focus on the key words in the thesis statement including the linking words and figure out supporting and opposing viewpoints and draw the scope of your essay.

So what is scope?
It is the confined parameter or the limitations of your essay. It is the indicator of what you should and should not discuss in your essay.

After becoming aware of the scope and focus of your topic, the next thing to do is to decide what type of essay you need to write: opinion, argumentative or problem solving.

Here is the analysis:

·         Theses statement

            Key words – crime rates, accelerating, cities, few, smaller towns
            Linking word- whereas (contrast)

·         Prompts

            Possible reasons

·         Scope

            Causes of crime rate increase in cities
            Suggestions to resolve them

·         Type of essay

           Problem Solving

2) Plan properly

After analyzing the question and deciding the type of essay, the next step is to lay out a well-structured map. There are two steps in the planning process.

1.       Brainstorming

You will have to brainstorm on the following areas:

·         Ideas

These are the facts needed for the essay e.g. more people migrating to cities for better livelihood/ increase in unemployment.

·         Key words

These are some of the thematic headwords needed for the essay e.g. urbanization, unemployment, facilities, overcome a situation, reach a solution etc.

·         Thesis sentences

These are the topic sentences you will be using as the first sentences in your paragraphs. Usually for IELTS, four paragraph essay is ideal. So two effective thesis sentences will be sufficient enough.

For example, for the above question, we could draw a thesis sentence like this for the first paragraph of the body.

Population explosion in cities has become the primary cause of many uprising criminal activities.

2.       Structures your essay

Structure your essay according to the essay type. For the above problem solving essay, here is a possible map.

Introduction: topic and general answer to question
Main paragraph one: give reasons for problem
Main paragraph two: offer some solutions
Conclusion: summarize (and paraphrase your argument)

03) Use formal/ Academic Register

Register is nothing but your tone/style/manner of communication with the listener or reader.

You could be aware of the different words and sentences you use when you talk to your best friend and your superiors at workplace. It is not the same degree of respect you give for both.

The rapport between speaker and listener or writer and reader always plays a significant role in communication.

When it comes to IELTS essay writing, you should always maintain a formal or academic register throughout your whole essay, as your reader is going to be most likely a native speaker with a sound academic background. That is to say you should avoid informal words, phrases and sentences in your writing.

Here are some points to make your essay formal in register:

·         Avoid contractions:

 E.g. it’s, isn’t, wasn’t etc.
 Use the full forms instead: it is, is not, was not etc.

·         Use impersonal third person passive:

E.g.         I agree with this statement up to some extent”
       Say “It could be agreed with this statement up to some extent

                “People commonly believe that…”
       Say “It is commonly believed that…”

·         Use formal linking words and phrases:

Reduce the number of simple conjunctions such as, and, but, because etc.

Use formal linking words and phrases instead like, furthermore, in addition, on the other hand, alternatively, as a result of etc.

·         Use complex sentences:

Minimize the use of simple and compound sentences use complex sentences instead:


Although it is widely accepted that population explosion, which is said to be the main cause of rising number of criminal activities in cities, is beneficial to a country’s economy in plenty of other ways, as closer analysis of individual and social welfare is considered in a country as a whole.

·         Avoid colloquial expressions , phrasal verbs and idioms

In academic writing day to expressions, ordinary phrasal verbs and clichés need to be avoided.
                           E.g. lots of = many
                                   give up= abandon
                                   over the moon= in high spirit

04) Write an attractive introduction

Introduction of your essay is the threshold to your content. The introduction that you write             should grab the attention of the reader. In order to write an effective introduction you can start         your essay in the following ways:

  •       Discourse markers:

      Nowadays/In modern days/ These days / In the twenty-first century etc.

  •      Rhetorical questions:

     Have you ever imagined a world without mobile phones? / Have you ever thought of life without          electricity?

  •      Quotation:

   ‘Imagination is more important than knowledge’, Einstein once said.

05) Use synonyms

People migrate to cities for various reasons. Some come with an intention of finding a better job. Others come for better medical facilities. There are many come for continuing higher studies and a few for better livelihoods.

People migrate to cities for multiple reasons. Some come with an intention of finding a better employment. Others visit for better medical facilities. There are many move for continuing higher studies and a few for better livelihoods.

06)   Use appropriate collocation

Collocation refers to the natural positioning of words in groups so that they make clear sense to a native speaker. For example, you can say ‘I did a few mistakes in the exam paper’ is usually understandable to anyone; a native speaker might find it odd.

So ‘I made a few mistakes in the exam paper’ should give a better sense to the listener.

Collocation is a very crucial language aspect if you want to give a native touch or original flavor to your writing. In other words it is the appropriate use of language.

e.g. I highly recommend it be the perfect solution to this problem.
        I strongly recommend it to be the perfect solution to this problem.
       She gave a useful contribution to the discussion.
       She made a useful contribution to the discussion.

To find collocation click here:

07)   Manage your time well

As you can spend more or less 40 minutes for essay, time management plays a crucial role. It is always advisable you could manage your time unconsciously with plenty of prior practice at home. For many, exam anxiety kills most of their precious minutes and in a formal exam setting it is very difficult to concentrate on both time and task simultaneously. And that is why you need prior practice beforehand.

An effective planning leads to a sound essay. But do not spend much time on it. Just 5- 10 minutes will be sufficient enough.

So practise your timing now. Take up an essay question and settle down in one place and start writing to see how many words your will be able to write within 40 minutes of time. And then check how well you can polish up your vocabulary and grammar.

08)   Revise your essay

Last minute revision, though is difficult, a quick glance before handing in the paper will remarkably improve your scores.

Most importantly your focus should be on the language used and not the facts. You can’t correct the factual errors in hurry on the eleventh second. But what you do can correct are the language errors such as word class, spelling, punctuation and capitalization.

It is a well-known fact that proof reading is not done by writers themselves. It is because the writers generally preconceive the content in their head and the brain sometimes overlook the visual representation on paper.

So what you can do at the last moment is to do the revision in the reverse in other words from bottom to top. This will enable the brain to focus on the langue as whole not the preconceived train of thought.
